Starting a New Bountiful Baskets Site
Bountiful Baskets is completely volunteer run. Every site has been started by a volunteer who wanted Bountiful Baskets available in their community. If there isn’t a site in a community it is because no one is ready to make it happen. Glad you are willing to step up!
We’re so glad that you are interested in starting a site in your area! Whether your area has had a site before or is new to Bountiful Baskets we know you will love helping your family and other families change their dinner table (and make their wallet thicker!)
It’s about 2 to 4 hours of work for each distribution.
Here is a To Do List for starting a site:
- Participate at an existing site and arrive at the volunteer time as listed in Locations. Talk with the volunteer site coordinator about starting a site and mentoring with them! Help as much as you can and stay as long as the coordinator stays, through distribution and pickup. Your information will be passed along to the Volunteer Area Coordinator who will contact you after the second time you mentor to facilitate your site opening. Please remember to be kind and professional as you go through this process. It’s very important to us that Bountiful Baskets is a blessing to everyone involved, and treating people kindly and fairly is an absolute requirement for being a Volunteer Site Coordinator.
- Start spreading the word and ask interested people to come to and make a free account. If they already have an account, have them log in again so we can see that they are still interested. You will need to have enough interested people signed up on the website prior to opening in order to help ensure that your site will be successful.
- If there is a site within 15 miles of your proposed site, it must be full in order for there to be another site so close.
- Look for a physical location that you can use. If you live in a snowy area, find something that will work year round. Think about schools and businesses as well as space maintained by clubs or organizations! We do not use churches as sites as that space is sanctified for worship and we feel it would be disrespectful.
- Start finding other people who can help you with this. It’s best to start a site with a Backup as well as yourself! Many hands make for light work! Never fear though, you will have participants who come early to help from your very first distribution.
Sally & Tanya